
Amber’s traffic engineers and transportation planners work on a wide variety of subdivision projects. We work on smaller subdivisions that seek to establish a number of residential dwellings on a larger lot up to projects that establish entire new suburbs with town centres and employment districts. We prepare Traffic Assessment reports for these projects that seek to change the land use zoning or establish a neighbourhood plan. We also prepare Traffic Impact Assessment reports which provide a review of traffic and parking matters for Development Applications.

Our work on this wide variety of projects requires us to use a range of skills which can include:

  • Commissioning traffic and parking surveys within the surrounding area to establish the existing road enviornment.
  • Calculating the potential traffic generating potential of the proposed land uses.
  • Assessment of the impacts generated by the additional vehicle movements on the road network. Our expert team typically uses SIDRA to prepare traffic models as part of this process.
  • Provide a review of the access arrangements for the site by determining turn treatment warrants against the requirements of the Austroads Guide and preparation of concept plans / functional layout plans supported by swept path diagrams.
  • Provide a review of the road layout to confirm it provides a well connected network.
  • Assess the design of the individual road cross-sections to confirm they provide suitable vehicle movement for the relevant road classification.
  • Determine the required alternative transport facilities (public transport, walking and cycling) to ensure they link with the wider network and to facilitate a reducing in private vehicle use.
  • Determine the required number of car parking spaces for the various uses.
  • Review waste collection facilities and procedures.

As part of our assessment we liaise with the relevant road controlling authorities to ensure we gain in-principle support for the designs and our assessment approach. This ensures we are considering any other developments and road upgrades in the area so the proposed facilities link with the wider network, and ensures a smoother application process. Check out our project examples below and get in touch with us for your next subdivision project.

McCall Gardens

The McCall Gardens subdivision proposes a mixture of low to high density residential and commercial land use. The subdivision is expected to accommodate approximately 1,205 dwellings on-site and included a substantial redevelopment of the existing Ross House Community Hub. Amber prepared Traffic Impact Assessment reports for the various stages of the subdivision which reviewed the potential traffic impacts of the project and the design of the road layout. We also provided an assessment of the proposal for the Ross House Community Hub including the preparation of swept path diagrams for the car park layout, a review of the access and parking design against the requirements of the Australian Standards, and a review of the parking provision for the various uses.

Dubbo Mixed Use Subdivision

Amber has completed a Traffic Impact Assessment report for the proposed mixed use subdivision adjacent to Narromine Road in Dubbo. The project represents a significant addition to the Dubbo township, proposing approximately 2,000 residential lots, 40 hectares of industrial and commercial land, and a new shopping centre. The Traffic Report provided a traffic modelling assessment using SIDRA to determine the traffic impacts of the project on the surrounding road network and the required road upgrades and intersection treatments. We worked closely with the relevant disciplines in the team to ensure the subdivision is designed sustainably to allow for alternative transport modes. The report is to be used to support the masterplan and a range of Planning Proposals and Development Applications for the various stages.

Industrial Subdivision

The West Dapto area within Wollongong is going through a period of significant growth. We have prepared a number of Traffic Impact Assessments in the area including an industrial project which proposes to provide 12 hectares of large format warehouse space. The site is ideally located near Princes Highway and our team were involved in conducting a traffic modelling exercise using SIDRA to determine the required upgrades to the road network. As part of this project we also provided a review of road network to ensure it caters for all road users and complies with the requirements of the Development Control Plan.

O’Dell Street Subdivision

One of our subdivision projects is the 105-lot subdivision in Vineyard. Amber prepared several Traffic Impact assessments for the various stages of the project and provided traffic engineering and transportation planning advice to support a variation to the Indicative Layout Plan. We also conducted a review of the traffic and parking aspects of the proposal and provide design advice for the Austroads turn treatments. This forms one of the many subdivision projects we have been involved with in the growth precincts.

Oran Park Subdivision

Amber Organisation has recently completed a number of Traffic Impact Assessments for various residential developments within the Oran Park growth area. We regularly prepare traffic reports for subdivisions within the South West Growth Areas. Our assessments provide a review of the potential traffic impacts of the project including the use of traffic modelling software such as SIDRA. We also provide advice on the road layouts to ensure streets and walking and cycling facilities connect with the wider area, as well as a review of the road design itself to ensure vehicles can safely and efficiently travel within the site.

Orange Subdivision

Amber has undertaken a traffic modelling exercise to assess the potential traffic impacts of a 700-lot subdivision in North Orange. The proposal forms part of an amendment to the LEP and utilised the Orange Strategic Traffic Model as a base to determine the required road upgrades for the project. The subdivision and associated internal roads represent a significant change to the traffic distribution in the area. Our team have extensive experience preparing Traffic Impact Assessments for subdivision projects and regularly work with Council’s and road authorities as part of our assessment to ensure a smooth application process.

Traffic impact assessment services icon - Amber Org

Traffic Assessments

Parking Requirement and Design icon - Amber Org

Parking & Design

Intersection modelling icon - Amber Org

Intersection Modelling

Constructuction Permit Expert Witness Icon - Amber Org

Expert Witness

Road infrastructure geometric design icon - Amber Org

Geometric Design

Construction Traffic management icon - Amber Org

Traffic Management Plans

Wind and solar farms traffic studies or documentation icons - Amber Org

Renewable Energy

Construction and development master plans icon - Amber Org

Master Plans

Amber Organisation Logo & Tagline - Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners

Amber Organisation acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present.

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