Traffic Assessments

A Traffic Impact Assessment is often required to support development applications. We have reviewed the traffic and transport implications of a wide variety of projects and specialise in the preparation of these documents. The process typically involves:

• Undertaking a site inspection;
• Commissioning traffic and parking surveys of the area;
• Liaising with the relevant road authorities;
• Conducting a review of the car parking and access arrangements against relevant standards;
• Preparing swept path assessments using the latest computer software;
• Providing advice regarding the provision and design of parking;
• Calculating the traffic generation of the site;
• Carrying out traffic modelling using SIDRA to assess the impacts of the traffic generated by the site;
• Reviewing the service vehicle and waste collection arrangements; and
• Providing advice regarding pedestrian and cyclist facilities.

Click the button below to read about some of the projects we’ve prepared traffic assessments for, or contact us on 1800 022 363 for help with your next project.

Gunnedah Service Centre

Our team regularly works on regional projects which has included the preparation of a Traffic Assessment to support a Planning Proposal for a service centre near Gunnedah. The site was proposed to accommodate a convenience store and several fast food outlets, and also accommodated a caravan park. The assessment included a traffic modelling exercise using SIDRA for nearby intersections to determine the impact of the additional vehicle movements generated by the various uses. Given the site connected to the State road network it was important for us to liaise with Transport for NSW to determine suitable access arrangements for the site based on the Austroads Guide and our relevant expertise.

Land and Housing Corporation

LAHC is working to redevelop and transform the former Claymore and Airds Bradbury social housing estates in Campbelltown. Amber has prepared a number of Traffic Impact Assessments within these concept plans, including an assessment of the various stages of the subdivision and assessments of individual seniors living buildings. The assessments require careful consideration of the changes to the surrounding transport network and active transport facilities to ensure the developments create a well-connected street network. We provide design advice and prepared swept path diagrams for the car park layouts to ensure they are suitably designed for the end user. We are proud to work on social housing projects supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

Wagga Wagga Place of Worship

We have prepared a Traffic Impact Assessment for a 100 patron place of worship in Wagga Wagga. The primary challenge with these projects is providing sufficient car parking to accommodate the typical parking demand for the proposed use. We worked closely with our client to determine what a suitable level of car parking would be based on survey information collected from similar sites they operate. We also provided a review of key religious holidays that generate more patrons and any potential off-site parking impacts. Our assessment included a design review of the car parking area which was checked against the Development Control Plan and Australian Standards, and a swept path assessment was prepared.

Middlebrook Solar Farm

Amber has recently completed a Traffic Impact Assessment for the 500MW Middlebrook Solar Farm, which is one of the largest solar farms in the country. The project involved extensive consultation with the relevant road authorities in order to gain prior approval for the proposed access arrangements of the site. Amber prepared concept designs for intersection upgrades and conducted a review of the traffic impacts of the proposal on the surrounding road network. This continues are extensive involvement in the renewable energy sector.

Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport

Sydney Metro is Australia’s biggest public transport project and it involves the construction and operation of a metro railway line around 23 kilometres in length between St Marys in the north and the Aerotropolis Core precinct in the south. The team at Amber provided specialist traffic engineering advice to the project team to help advise on the design of the road network surrounding the stations. Specialist inputs were required in relation to bus, private vehicle, cycling, and pedestrian movements to ensure the stations and surrounding public environment operate in a safe and efficient manner.

Winterbourne Wind Farm

The Winterbourne Wind Farm is one of Australia’s largest wind farm projects in NSW. Amber was engaged as the traffic engineering consultants for the project to assess the access route for large plant and prepare a Traffic Impact Assessment. Key tasks included; engaging with the road authorities, traffic analysis, intersection and pavement design, and a road safety assessment. Wind farm projects provide challenging engineering problems due to the significant increase in traffic during construction and the delivery of the 80+ metre long turbine blades from the chosen delivery port. We are proud to be involved in another renewable energy project.

McCall Gardens

The McCall Gardens subdivision proposes a mixture of low to high density residential and commercial land use. The subdivision is expected to accommodate approximately 1,205 dwellings on-site and included a substantial redevelopment of the existing Ross House Community Hub. Amber prepared Traffic Impact Assessment reports for the various stages of the subdivision which reviewed the potential traffic impacts of the project and the design of the road layout. We also provided an assessment of the proposal for the Ross House Community Hub including the preparation of swept path diagrams for the car park layout, a review of the access and parking design against the requirements of the Australian Standards, and a review of the parking provision for the various uses.

Maidstone Tram Depot

Amber has recently provided specialist traffic engineering services for the Department of Transport tram depot in Maidstone. We regularly partner with large multi-disciplinary engineering companies to provide dedicated traffic engineering advice and assessments. The project involved the construction of a tram depot and other government services on the site and extension of the existing tram line. Our team prepared detailed traffic models to assess the impacts of the new tram line on the operation of the nearby intersections and provided advice in relation to the access designs for the site.

Ringwood Childcare Centre

Amber Organisation assisted with the preparation of a Traffic Impact Assessment report for a proposed childcare centre in Ringwood. The project involved the consolidation of two lots and in order to provide suitable access, a bus stop and street tree were required to be relocated.

Amber were able to arrange an on-site meeting with state and local government officers to facilitate the necessary changes to the infrastructure to provide clarity and comfort to the project team.

Hallam South Warehouse

We prepared a Traffic Impact Assessment for a large warehouse in Hallam South. The access for the project was assessed against the turn treatments of the Austroads Guide which were subsequently unable to be provided due to the constraints of the existing road network. Through our liaising with Department of Transport we were able to prepare a functional layout plan that still provides a safe road environment and worked with our partners to provide a Road Safety Audit.

Traffic impact assessment services icon - Amber Org

Traffic Assessments

Parking Requirement and Design icon - Amber Org

Parking & Design

Intersection modelling icon - Amber Org

Intersection Modelling

Constructuction Permit Expert Witness Icon - Amber Org

Expert Witness

Road infrastructure geometric design icon - Amber Org

Geometric Design

Construction Traffic management icon - Amber Org

Traffic Management Plans

Wind and solar farms traffic studies or documentation icons - Amber Org

Renewable Energy

Construction and development master plans icon - Amber Org

Master Plans

Amber Organisation Logo & Tagline - Traffic Engineers and Transportation Planners

Amber Organisation acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present.

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