Clause 52.34 of the Victorian Planning Scheme addresses the requirements for bicycle parking in new developments. This clause sets out various design guidelines as well as the numerical requirements for bicycle parking spaces and end of trip facilities across a wide range of land uses. It ensures that developments integrate bicycle parking as an integral component of their design.
Select a land use category below to find out how many bicycle parking spaces are required. Click here for a definition of each land use term.
Amusement parlour
Employee/Resident | None |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 2 spaces plus 1 to each 50 sqm of net floor area |
Convenience restaurant
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 25 sqm of floor area available to the public |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 2 spaces |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 5 dwellings in developments of four or more storeys |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 10 dwellings in developments of four or more storeys |
Education centre (excluding Child care centre) other than specified in this table
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 20 employees |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 20 full-time students |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 15 beds |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 30 beds |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 25 sqm of bar floor area available to the public, plus 1 space to each 100 sqm of lounge floor area available to the public |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 25 sqm of bar floor area available to the public, plus 1 space to each 100 sqm of lounge floor area available to the public |
Industry other than specified in this table
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 1000 sqm of net floor area |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | None |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 500 sqm of net floor area |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 4 spaces plus 2 spaces to each 200 sqm of net floor area |
Major sports and recreation facility
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 1500 spectator places |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 250 spectator places |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 50 stalls |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 10 stalls |
Medical centre
Employee/Resident | 1 to each 8 practitioners |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 to each 4 practitioners |
Minor sports and recreation facility
Employee/Resident | 1 space per 4 employees |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 200 sqm of net floor area |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 40 rooms |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | None |
Office other than specified in this table
Employee/Resident | 1 to each 300 sqm of net floor area if the net floor area exceeds 1000 sqm |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 1000 sqm of net floor area if the net floor area exceeds 1000 sqm |
Place of assembly other than specified in this table
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 1500 sqm of net floor area |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 1000 sqm of net floor area if the net floor area exceeds 1000 sqm |
Primary school
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 20 employees |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 5 pupils over year 4 |
Residential building other than specified in this table
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 10 lodging rooms in developments of four or more storeys |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 10 lodging rooms in developments of four or more storeys |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 100 sq m of floor area available to the public |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 2 spaces plus 1 space to each 200 sqm of floor area available to the public if the floor area available to the public exceeds 400 sqm. |
Retail premises other than specified in this table
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 300 sqm of leasable floor area |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 500 sqm of leasable floor area |
Secondary school
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 20 employees |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 5 pupils |
Service industry
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 800 sqm of net floor area |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | None |
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 600 sqm of leasable floor area if the leasable floor area exceeds 1000 sqm |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 500 sqm of leasable floor area if the leasable floor area exceeds 1000 sqm |
Take-away food premises
Employee/Resident | 1 space to each 100 sqm of net floor area |
Visitor/Shopper/Student | 1 space to each 50 sqm of net floor area |
The requirement to provide end of trip facilities is outlined below:
- Showers – required for any use listed in the table if 5 or more employee bicycle spaces are required. 1 shower for the first 5 employee bicycle spaces, plus 1 shower to each 10 employee bicycle spaces thereafter.
- Change Rooms – 1 change room or direct access to a communal change room to each shower. The change room may be a combined shower and change room.
As the importance of cycling continues to grow in Victoria and around the world, these regulations are a crucial element of the state’s sustainable urban planning and transportation strategy. Effective enforcement, integration with other transport infrastructure, and promotion and education are all necessary to maximise the impact of these regulations and encourage more people to make cycling a part of their daily lives.