The Challenges of Assessing Curved Ramps

The Challenges of Assessing Curved Ramps

To ensure vehicles can safely traverse these curved sections without scraping along the bottom or hitting any overhead obstructions, it’s important to apply traffic engineering principles in the assessment. Here’s how we apply our traffic engineering expertise to...
Recent Innovations in Pedestrian Safety within Australia

Recent Innovations in Pedestrian Safety within Australia

As our cities get denser, these initiatives highlight the increasing importance of a pedestrian-centric approach to design rather than the traditional car-centric approach. One notable example is the introduction of “smart” pedestrian crossings across...
Cyclist Safety During Temporary Traffic Management

Cyclist Safety During Temporary Traffic Management

Bike rider’s vulnerability on roads is well-documented. The absence of protective barriers exposes them to accidents and injuries, a risk exacerbated by temporary traffic management. Neglecting cyclist safety not only compromises the effectiveness of traffic...